Translational Data Science or "Digitalization with Laminated Pocket Cards"
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
9:05 am
Particularly in the domain of clinical decision support, digitalization efforts in healthcare have lagged far behind expectations. To be effective, any decision support needs to be adapted to both the data structure of the decision problem and the decision ecology of the end-user. Translational Data Science (TDS) is a novel approach to clinical decision support development in which the latest insights of the decision and data sciences are combined to quickly and efficiently move “from data to decision” (D2D). Dr. Niklas Keller will introduce the concepts and key-methods of TDS and present a use-case of the development of a decision support tool for post-operative patient allocation. The new approach kept all of the complexity of the decision problem at the “back-end” while maintaining a high degree of simplicity at the “front-end”. The resultant decision support has a high predictive accuracy, pays respect to the constraints of the decision ecology of the end-user, is action-oriented and can be easily integrated in various clinical settings as a laminated pocket card.